Sunday, February 13, 2011

Longing for Lashes

No feature draws attention to a persons face more dramatically then their eyelashes. This has been demonstrated decade after decade with our focus on pumping up and enhancing what the good Lord gave us!
Throughout history women have used many covert and often dangerous methods to enhance their natural beauty. Ingredients like white lead, mercury, nitric acid and coal tar have all been used in cosmetics, often contributing to the detriment or death of the user. Luckily now, we have safe and very effective methods for improving upon what nature gave us.

Eyelashes have three stages of growth: Anagen – the active growth stage, catagen – the point where growth peaks and telogen – the place where lashes fall out and new ones start to grow.
When the anagen stage slows due to your age, genetics or abrasive methods used on the lashes, the succeeding lashes tend to grow thinner and shorter over time.

The first and most obvious solution for thin or thinning lashes is to treat them with tender loving care. Avoid excessively rubbing during the day or scrubbing lashes to remove makeup at night. Always use a gentle, preferably natural makeup remover and follow up with a nightly hydrating serum to strengthen and condition the fringe you already have.
Next, look for a volumizing mascara that will enhance and give the illusion of thickness to your natural lashes.One of the most effective mascaras I've used is called Lash Injection from the cosmetic company Too Faced. This 3D formula has elastic polymers that create tubes around each lash, extending and enhancing the appearance of length and volume. Lash Injection is also infused with jojoba and vitamin E to strengthen and soften and prevent breakage of  the lashes you have.
For an instant fix and a dramatic effect, lash extensions are taking the market by storm. Extensions are meticulously applied lash by lash, by a licensed professional with a medical bonding adhesive. It takes approximately two hours for to apply a full set and can be very costly. You'll also need to have them touched up every two to three weeks. That being said, lash extensions are a big bang for your buck!
So what if you want to extend and fill out the lashes you have without makeup? This is where my favorite option comes in... Lash conditioners, fortifiers and growth enhancers. Without a prescription, there are excellent options like LiLash and Rapidlash. Both have excellent reviews for enhancing, strengthening and thickening your natural lashes. The price for these types of products range between $50.00-140.00.
In my opinion though, the most effective product on the market today is Latisse. It's the first and only prescription eyelash enhancer approved by the FDA. You can usually purchase it directly from your doctor or dermatologist. The results with Latisse are nothing short of astounding.

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